Sunshine Languages & Mentoring is owned by Stine Kuskner, who has a teaching degree from Copenhagen University, a TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages) degree from Oxford House College Barcelona and is a certified guidance councelor. Stine is bilingual Danish/English (US), and has been teaching in companies, schools and special needs children and adults since 2003 in Denmark, Spain and Venezuela, and has been working as a mentor for young adults with mental disorders since 2015.
Sunshine Languages has a highly professional and experienced staff, consisting of teachers with a university degree in languages, a great knowledge of the language they teach, and with a passion for languages in general.
Most of our teachers speak and teach more than one language, and know how it feels to be on the learning side of the table.
Who are we?
Stine Jensen, teacher of Danish for Foreigners.
Stine is one of our teachers of Danish for Foreigners, and works as an independent intercultural mediator from her office in Frederiksberg. Stine has a master degree from Universidad de Salamanca in Spain, where she studied Translation and Intercultural Mediation. She also has a degree from Copenhagen Business School in Spanish and European Studies. Furthermore, in 2018 she became certified ECQA Advanced Terminology Manager of TermNet in Vienna. Stine has an international mindset and has lived, studied and worked abroad for several years, where she learned the languages that she speaks today. She loves teaching her mother tongue and has previously taught both English and Spanish. ”I have sat at the other side of the table so many times, that it is easy for me to put myself in my students’ shoes”.
Sunshine Languages & Mentoring teaches mainly in companies or in the client's home. For this reason we have a small office in Kokkedal, and rent spaces in and around Copenhagen when necessary.
Visits to the office are only possible with appointment.
Our address
Sunshine Languages
Nordengen 36
2980 Kokkedal
(+45) 24 75 48 81
CVR Nr: 35077243
What do our clients say?
I have been fortunate enough to use the services of Sunshine Languages on a one-on-one basis and also in a group setting. Stine Kuskner, my teacher on both occasions, is an excellent Danish teacher for students at all levels. She is very accommodating offering classes at many different levels to meet many different student needs. She adapts her method of teaching to the needs of the individual (if private lessons) or adopts a learning style that best meets the needs of all the students in a classroom setting. She always finds a way to help the learner understand by using interaction and engagement throughout the class.
Her flexibility in teaching style is what makes her classes a wonderful experience whilst providing excellent opportunities for learning the Danish language.
Sunita Kias,
Learning & Development, UNICEF Supply Division
I’ve had a great experience learning Danish at Sunshine Languages. After struggling to learn in larger classes that often felt overwhelming, I was pleasantly surprised by how fun and engaging Stine Kuskner's smaller group classes are. The class sizes create a supportive environment, and the structure includes a great mix of speaking, listening, and writing practice.
What I like most is that learning Danish no longer feels like work. The classes are something I actually look forward to, knowing we’ll share plenty of laughs while making progress. Stine’s positivity sets the tone for the whole group. Her sense of humor and approachable style create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, far from the stiffness of traditional courses.
I’m looking forward to continuing learning and would highly recommend Sunshine Languages to anyone that wants to learn in a fun, engaging environment!
Tusind tak
HR Assistant, UNDP
Taking Danish language courses with "Sunshine Languages" at the UN City was such a delightful experience! The classes were fun and engaging, making it easy to learn. Stine Kuskner, our amazing instructor, was a huge part of my progress. She was always patient and encouraging, and her deep knowledge of Danish culture made the lessons even more interesting. Stine's enthusiasm and personalized feedback kept me motivated to practice, and I saw a big improvement in my Danish skills. Plus, I feel much more connected to Danish society now. Thanks to Stine and Sunshine Languages, learning Danish was a joy!
Aristeidis Tsakiris
Advisor - Knowledge Management Systems
UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
I was relocated to Copenhagen through a global advertising agency and I did a lot of research into language companies over here. I settled on Sunshine Languages for two reasons:
1. I'd get a much more personal and tailored service.
2. Stine Kuskner
Not only was she highly recommended to me but she was very passionate and had incredible patience. She also had a great sense of humor and made learning Danish a pleasure.
I'd have no hesitation in recommending Sunshine Languages to anyone. And that's exactly what Stine's company brings to your life. Sunshine and happiness.
Which, by the way, is very much needed in Denmark!
Jason Mendes
Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi
"Ich wollte die Sprache lernen, dänisches Leben erleben und eine gute Zeit haben. Das hatte ich voll und ganz. Ab dem zweiten Tag sprachen die Verkäufer in der Stadt weiter Dänisch mit mir und antworteten mir nicht zuvorkommend auf Englisch. Ich hatte immer eine kompetente Lehrerin zur Hand, die mir alles erklärt hat. Ich wusste, dass ich jederzeit um alles fragen konnte, was meinen Aufenthalt sehr entspannt hat. Ich höre jeden Abend mindestens ein Kapitel meiner Hörbücher, die ich in Dänemark erstanden habe. Ich hoffe allerdings, dass ich nicht so lange warten muss, bis ich wieder nach Dänemark reise, denn diese drei Hörbücher haben jeweils eine Laufzeit von 45 Stunden.
Ich vermisse Land, Leute, Sprache und das Meer. Wenn sich der Erfolg des Sprachkurses an der Sehnsucht bemisst, kann ein solcher Aufenthalt nicht erfolgreicher sein."
(I wanted to learn the language, experience the Danish life, and have fun. And I completely did. Already from the second day, the sales people in the city spoke to me in Danish and didn't answer in English. I always had a competent teacher close by, who explained everything to me. I knew that I could ask about anything, anytime, which made my stay very relaxed. I listen to at least one chapter of the audio-books I bought in Denmark every evening. I do hope, however, that I don't have to wait long until I go back to Denmark, since the audio-books are only 45 minutes long. I miss the country, the people, the anguage and the ocean. If the success of a language course can be measured in the longing to return, such a stay could not have been more successful)
Kristine Löbbert,
blind student from Freiburg, Germany
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